Our History
In 2015, a group of compassionate individuals with a mindset for community service in Tanzania noticed a significant problem, especially affecting girls. There were few schools, and those that existed were far from where students lived. This meant that girls had to travel long distances to get to school, exposing them to dangers like harassment, early pregnancy, and diseases.

Wanting to help, the group established a social enterprise organization called the “Arusha Bicycle Center” in partnership with the Swiss organization Velafrica. Together, they launched the “Bike4girls” program, providing bicycles to girls to help them travel to school safely. This program operated from 2005 to 2022.
When government regulations changed, it became difficult to continue serving the community as a social enterprise organization. This led to the birth of a non-governmental organization dedicated to enhancing lives through bicycles, known as ABC Impact.
In response to population growth and feedback from stakeholders, including the government, it became evident that boys also faced challenges in getting to school due to the distance. As a result, the program transitioned from “Bike4girls” to “Bike2school,” assisting both boys and girls.
As ABC Impact expanded, additional programs were introduced to address various community needs. Today, ABC Impact offers six programs that not only tackle long distance challenges but also create employment opportunities for youth, promote environmental conservation, and improve health outcomes.
The individuals who initiated this journey remain actively involved as members of the board of directors, joined by new members who share their commitment to community service.
ABC Impact continues to work diligently to ensure access to quality education, promote healthy lifestyles, empower genders, and create employment opportunities within the community.
Support our Projects
Whether you have a question, want to get involved, or are looking to make a difference, we’re here to help. Reach out to us and make an impact today: impact@abcimpact.or.tz